I really like the beginning and ending portions of the song, simple but interesting enough for progressive type music. The beginning almost reminded me of the song of storms from Zelda.
As for the mid portion of the song, I really feel like it needed a snazzier melody or great new chorus to tie the song together and keep people's ears interested and in awe. Right now the sounds you have would work well for a transition but aren't really strong enough to hold up a large section and be repeated.
Overall you have a very clean sound, so well done and understand I am being really picky and I am listening on pretty bad speakers. I'm excited for all the new sounds you will be making in the future. I appreciated the message about the song and applaud you for making music period. I really want to start actually learning this stuff and hopefully will in the near future. Maybe t that point I could be graced with a review from you haha.
Cheers, EtherealMonk
8/10 to leave room for growth ;)